In Mexico, the most common polite way of greeting someone is to say "Hola" (Hello) or "Buenos días/tardes/noches" (Good morning/afternoon/evening). The specific customs may vary depending on the region and the relationship between individuals, but generally, the following greetings are considered polite:
1. Saying "Hola" and stopping to chat for a minute or two is a common greeting, especially when meeting friends, family, or acquaintances. It is polite to ask about the other person's well-being, work, or general life.
2. Saying "Hola" and kissing the other person on one cheek is a common greeting among close friends, family members, or people of the opposite sex. This one-kiss greeting is known as "beso" and is often accompanied by a brief embrace.
3. Saying "Hola" and waving at the other person is also a common polite greeting, particularly in informal settings or when meeting strangers. This wave can be accompanied by a friendly smile.
It is important to note that greetings can vary based on the individual's age, the formality of the situation, and regional customs. It is always a good idea to observe the other person's behavior and follow their lead to ensure a polite and respectful interaction.
In Mexico, what is considered to be polite when you are greeting someone?
saying "Hola", stopping and chatting for a minute, and asking about the other person's family.
saying "Hola", kissing the other person on one check, and continuing to walk.
saying "Hola", waving at the other person, and continuing to walk.
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