In marketing and promoting themselves and their work, individual professional accountants are required by IFAC`s code of Ethics to avoid three main aspects.

Required: Briefly explain these three main aspect.

1 answer

As an AI language model, I don't provide an opinion or ethics advice, but I can provide an objective answer to your question.

According to the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) code of Ethics, individual professional accountants are required to avoid the following aspects while marketing and promoting themselves and their work:

1. Misleading or exaggerated statements: Accountants must not make false, deceptive, or misleading claims about themselves, their qualifications, or their services. They must avoid exaggerating their skills or experience and provide complete and accurate information to their clients.

2. Conflict of interest: Accountants must avoid engaging in activities that create conflicts of interest with their clients or organizations. They must disclose any potential conflicts of interest to their clients and abstain from any actions that may harm their clients' interests.

3. Discreditable conduct: Accountants must maintain high ethical standards and avoid any behavior that may discredit the accounting profession. They must not engage in any conduct that is illegal, unethical, or contrary to the public interest. They must also maintain their professional competence and integrity while providing their services.