Please understand that no one here will do your work for you. However, we will be happy to read over whatever you come up with and make suggestions and/or corrections.
Please post what you think.
-In light of 9/11, do you think Americans should trade off some of their civil liberties?
-Do you think that the right of free speech can or should be traded off to reduce violence in America?
-What is free speech? What is symbolic speech? Can you yell FIRE at a crowded movie?
-Do you think burning the American Flag is just wrong, illegal and anti-American?
2 answers
What does 9/11 have to do with free speech?
Free speech does not produce violence. Just because hate speech makes us angry, we do not have to act violently.
Check these sites for information on free and symbolic speech.
I don't think burning the American flag is wrong, illegal, or anti-American. What else do you suggest we do to get rid of a worn out and torn old flag? Whom does it hurt if a new flag is burned?
Free speech does not produce violence. Just because hate speech makes us angry, we do not have to act violently.
Check these sites for information on free and symbolic speech.
I don't think burning the American flag is wrong, illegal, or anti-American. What else do you suggest we do to get rid of a worn out and torn old flag? Whom does it hurt if a new flag is burned?