In chapter 9 of animal farm, the phrase an appointment is always right. His repeated frequently, which answer choice explains how Arthur uses this example for rhetoric in the text one, the author uses the phrase. Napoleon is always right as a way to demonstrate the animals growing skepticism endow towards employee's decisions to the author uses afraid, and a point is always right to show animals admiration for Napoleon's leadership and to highlight his benevolence and fairness. Three. The author uses the phrase and appointment of all these right to emphasize the big Superior intelligence compared to other animals on the farm for and the other uses the repeated phrase. Napoleon is always right as a rhetoric device to illustrate how propaganda is employed to build unquestioned loyalty Monday animals encouraging them to accept Napoleon's authority without critical thinking

1 answer

The best answer choice that explains how the repeated phrase "Napoleon is always right" is used rhetorically in Chapter 9 of Animal Farm is:

4. The author uses the repeated phrase "Napoleon is always right" as a rhetorical device to illustrate how propaganda is employed to build unquestioned loyalty among the animals, encouraging them to accept Napoleon's authority without critical thinking.

This choice accurately reflects the way propaganda is used in the novel to manipulate the animals' perception of leadership and discourage dissent or critical thought regarding Napoleon's decisions. The repetition of the phrase serves to reinforce a blind loyalty, highlighting the theme of control through propaganda.