In aqueous solution, hypobromite ion, BrO-, reacts to produce bromate ion, BrO3 -, and bromide ion, Br-, according to the following chemical equation.

3BrO-(ag) → BrO3 -(ag)+2Br-(ag)

A plot of 1/[BrO-] vs. time is linear and the slope is equal to 0.056 M-1s-1. If the initial concentration of BrO- is 0.80 M, how long will it take one-half of the BrO- ion to react?
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3 answers

The graph tells you it is a first order reaction and the slope of the line = 0.056 = k
Then k = 0.693/t1/2 and solve for t1/2
I believe the reaction is second order.
This is second order because the k constant has different units for each order, so you'll just have to remember them?
The half-life equation for 2nd order is 1/(k[Ao]) = t1/2

k=0.056 M-1s-1
Ao= 0.80M

1/(0.056x0.80) = 22.3s