In an academic institution, Student has its records. Each

student has his/her profile such as id number, student name.
The institution also keeps records of student grades in each
subject. Student grades contains information subject description,
school year, semester, and grade.
Make a program that would accept entries for the grades of
the student(maximum of 5 subjects in each semester).
After entering the grade for subject, the program will display
the enter subject and the student average.
* In entry and display of grades for each subject, use pointer.
* Use data structure for the information about the student,
and for his/her subject grades
Student ID : 10-1000
Student Name : Juan de la Cruz
Entry of Subject :
Subject 1 Name : Programming 1
School Year : SY 2011-11
Semester : 1
Grade : 90
Subject 2 Name : Algebra 1
School Year : SY 2011-11
Semester : 1
Grade : 85
Subject 3 Name : IT Fundamentals 1
School Year : SY 2011-11
Semester : 1
Grade : 80
Student Grades:
ID : 10-1000
Student Name : Juan de la Cruz
Programming 1 SY 2011-11 1 90
Algebra 1 SY 2011-11 1 85
IT Fundamentals 1 SY 2011-11 1 80
Student Average : 85

1 answer
