In American society, romantic love is considered the main reason for people to marry. On the other hand,

in some societies, romantic love is considered a form of obsession or madness. In fact, even in many
societies where "true love" is not considered a form of insanity, arranged marriages are still the norm. For
example, in many cultures it's believed that marriage is basically an economic arrangement. Thus, a farmer
needs a wife both to bear children and to share the farm work while raising new "hands" as additional farm
labor. In other societies, marriage is mainly about cementing connections between families. Indeed, most
End of exam
marriages between members of European royal or aristocratic lineages were primarily aimed at creating
trust, loyalty, and mutual obligations between privileged and powerful families.
In the passage you just read, a basic contrast regarding ideals about marriage is signaled by which word
or phrase?
A. On the other hand
B. In other societies
C. In fact
D. For example

4 answers

I'll be glad to check your answer.
I vote for A.
thank you @ Ms. Sue
You're welcome, Tazkiyah.