In act 1V of Romeo and Juliet cries O bid me leap rather than marry paris and I will do it without fear or doubt both Romeo and Juliet seek out friar Lawrence for counsel during their difficulties how does he affect their decisions and eventually the outcome of the play explore how and why friar Lawrence orchestrates many developments

1 answer

Friar Lawrence plays a significant role in the decisions and ultimately the tragic outcome of Romeo and Juliet. He is a trusted advisor for both Romeo and Juliet, and they turn to him in times of need and desperation.

In Act IV, Juliet is faced with the prospect of marrying Paris, a man she does not love. She is so distraught by the thought of this marriage that she tells Friar Lawrence she would rather die than marry him. The Friar sees her desperation and comes up with a risky plan to help her avoid this unwanted marriage. He gives her a potion that will make her appear dead for 42 hours, during which time Romeo will come to rescue her and they can run away together. This plan ultimately leads to both Romeo and Juliet’s deaths.

Friar Lawrence’s actions throughout the play show that he is well-intentioned but ultimately makes critical errors in judgment. He marries Romeo and Juliet in secret, hoping to bring peace to their feuding families, but this only leads to further tragedy. He also keeps the plan to fake Juliet’s death a secret from Romeo, causing confusion and miscommunication that ultimately results in the deaths of the two young lovers.

Overall, Friar Lawrence’s attempts to help Romeo and Juliet come from a place of compassion and love, but his actions ultimately contribute to the tragic outcome of the play. His orchestration of events, though well-intentioned, only serves to further complicate the already turbulent situation between the two families. Ultimately, Friar Lawrence’s influence on the decisions and actions of Romeo and Juliet leads to their untimely demise.