In a total of 200 words, write two paragraphs with about how interest rates affect our purchasing decisions.

Identify the topic sentence in each by underlining it
i was wnating to know what else i can put with this to complete my assignment any ideas?

if you have cash, in times of high interest and probably high inflation, you may wish to spend rather than see your capital depreciate in value. If it is high interest low inflation you would want to invest your money and not spend. If you are planning to borrow - high interest rates make this less attractive and so disincline you to spend. If inflation is high as well, you may buy and bank on your debt decreasing in value over time.

1 answer

I don't understand your last sentence.

I don't know why you put so much into inflation. That wasn't part of your assignment.

You need to go into more detail about the topic. You've made some good points, but you need to expand on them.

Write one paragraph about purchasing decisions and savings at a time of high interest rates. The other paragraph should be about purchasing decisions and savings at a time of low interest rates.

Be sure to identify your topic sentence for each paragraph.

If you post your next draft here, someone will be glad to critique it.