In a short paragraph, explain who you believe Kwame Alexander’s target audience for The Crossover is. Do you think the style of the novel appeals to his target audience? Why or why not? Use one detail from the interview as well as one piece of text evidence from the “Warm-Up” or “First Quarter” sections of the novel to support your answer.

As part of this discussion, ask a question or make a comment about one other student’s answer. Do you agree with their answer? Why or why not?

1 answer

I believe that Kwame Alexander’s target audience for The Crossover is middle school students, particularly those who may not be avid readers. In an interview, Alexander discusses how he wanted to write a book that would appeal to students who may not typically enjoy reading, and the fast-paced, dynamic style of The Crossover aligns well with this goal. For example, in the “Warm-Up” section of the novel, Alexander uses short, energetic lines and basketball-specific terminology to capture the attention of his audience. One student mentioned that the target audience might also include sports enthusiasts, which I agree with as the novel’s focus on basketball and the close relationship between sports and family dynamics would likely resonate with this group of readers.