In a short paragraph, explain what you are writing about for the Family Narrative assignment, which you will submit later in this unit as part of your writing portfolio. Briefly describe the experience you are writing about and explain why you chose this experience as the subject of your narrative.

As part of this discussion, you should also provide feedback to at least one other student about his or her topic. Do you think the topic will work well as the subject of a narrative essay? Why or why not?

1 answer

For the Family Narrative assignment, I am writing about my experience of going on a road trip with my family to Yellowstone National Park. This trip holds a special place in my heart as it was one of the rare occasions when my entire family was able to come together and spend quality time with each other. We were able to explore the beautiful landscapes of the park, witness incredible wildlife up close, and create unforgettable memories. I chose this experience as the subject of my narrative because it not only showcases the love and bond within my family but also reflects the importance of cherishing these moments together. Through this narrative, I hope to convey the joy, unity, and sense of adventure that came along with this trip.

I have read and provided feedback to another student's topic. They have chosen to write about their experience of immigrating to a new country with their family. I believe this topic will work well as the subject of a narrative essay. It is a significant and life-changing experience that can offer a unique perspective on personal growth, cultural adjustments, and the dynamics within a family during such a transition. The narrative has the potential to explore themes of resilience, identity, and the challenges and triumphs associated with starting a new life, making it an engaging and relatable story.