Calculate the monthly finance charge for the following credit card transaction. Assume that it takes 10 days for a payment to be received and recorded and that the month is 30 days long. (Round your answer to the nearest cent.)
$500 balance, 20% rate, $400 payment, adjusted balance method
In a recent survey of 100 women, the following information was gathered.
33 use shampoo A.
37 use shampoo B.
49 use shampoo C.
12 use shampoos A and B.
5 use shampoos A and C.
9 use shampoos B and C.
2 use all three.
Use the figure to answer the question in the problem.
2 answers
In a recent survey of 100 women, the following information was gathered.
46 use shampoo A, 44 used shampoo B, and 43 used shampoo C, 13 used a and b and 17 used a and c and 12 used b and c, and 7 used all 3
46 use shampoo A, 44 used shampoo B, and 43 used shampoo C, 13 used a and b and 17 used a and c and 12 used b and c, and 7 used all 3