The best way to script your presentation and add points to remember when presenting a particular slide in PowerPoint is to use the Notes function. This feature allows you to add detailed notes for each slide that can be accessed during your presentation. To use the Notes function, follow these steps:
1. Open your PowerPoint presentation.
2. Go to the View tab at the top of the screen.
3. Click on Presentation Views, and then select Notes Page.
4. The screen will now display your slides on the top and a notes section at the bottom.
5. Click on the notes section and start typing your script or points to remember for that slide.
6. Repeat this process for each slide, adding specific notes or instructions as needed.
By using the Notes function, you can easily refer to your script or points while presenting without distracting your audience.
In a PowerPoint document, what is the best way to script your presentation and or add points to remember when presenting a particular slide.
Keep notes on a piece of paper near you when you present.
Use the Notes function which can be accessed via the View tab, under Presentation views, Notes page.
Add comments on each slide which can be accessed in the Review tab, Add comments.
Add notes which can be accessed at the bottom of each slide at the bottom of the page.
1 answer