In a paragraph explain How were the motives, of King Henry VIII, for religious change/reformation different from those of John Wyclif, Martin Luther, or John Calvin?
1 answer
King Henry VIII's motives for religious change/reformation were different from those of John Wyclif, Martin Luther, or John Calvin in several ways. Firstly, Henry's main motivation was his desire for a male heir, which led him to seek an annulment from his first wife, Catherine of Aragon. When the Pope denied his request, Henry broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and established the Church of England, with himself as the head. This was primarily driven by personal and political considerations rather than a theological or doctrinal dispute. On the other hand, figures like Wyclif, Luther, and Calvin were motivated by their deep theological convictions and a desire to reform what they saw as corrupt practices within the Catholic Church. They challenged the authority of the church hierarchy, emphasized the individual's direct relationship with God, and promoted reforms such as the translation of the Bible into the vernacular and the rejection of certain sacraments. These reformers sought to revive the early Christian teachings and restore the church to a purer and more authentic form, while Henry's motivations were centred around his personal needs and the consolidation of his power.