In a paragraph, explain 2–3 ways in which the Spanish-American War influenced the emergence of the United States as a world power..
3 answers
The Spanish-American War played a significant role in the emergence of the United States as a world power in several ways. First, the decisive victory over Spain in the war helped solidify the United States' position as a major player on the global stage. The acquisition of territories such as Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and Guam expanded American influence in the Pacific and Caribbean regions, contributing to the country's growing imperial ambitions. Additionally, the war demonstrated the effectiveness of the United States' modernized military and naval forces, showcasing its ability to project power and assert its interests abroad. These developments helped establish the United States as a formidable force in international affairs and set the stage for its increased involvement in global politics in the years to come.
answer using simpler terms
The Spanish-American War made the United States more powerful in the world because it showed that the US could win against other countries and take control of new territories. By gaining lands like Puerto Rico and the Philippines, the US expanded its influence in different parts of the world. The war also proved that the US had a strong military and navy, which helped it become a more important player in global politics. This made the US a stronger and more influential country on the world stage.