The American Revolution, while a pivotal moment in the quest for independence, led to significant economic hardships for many citizens, particularly those in rural areas and lower socio-economic classes. The war strained already limited resources, disrupted trade networks, and caused rampant inflation, which exacerbated existing debt and poverty. Farmers, in particular, voiced their concerns about inflated currency and the burden of taxes, leading to uprisings such as Shays' Rebellion in 1786, where discontented individuals protested against heavy taxation and the seizure of property for unpaid debts. In response to these economic challenges, citizens organized local assemblies and petitions, sought relief through legislation, and demanded reforms to protect small farmers and reduce the tax burden. This grassroots activism highlighted the economic distress faced by many and signaled the urgent need for adaptations within the new government to address these pressing issues.
In a paragraph, analyze how the American Revolution worsened the economic condition for many citizens. Consider the people who raised concerns about economic problems. Include the steps citizens took to address their economic problems.
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