In a drawing that represents a scale model of the solar system, the sun is placed at the center and the planets are shown orbiting in circles around it. While in reality Mars is 1.5 AU away from the sun, in the model Mars appears at 30 cm from it. This means that the scale of the model is 1 AU = 20 cm.

Neptune is 30 AU away from the sun. Taking into consideration where the planets may be shown in their orbits, what is the maximum possible distance that can be drawn between Mars and Neptune in the scale model?

KEY: Approximate Distance= AD

Scale Model:
Planet AD(km) AD (AU) AD Scale 1AU= 2cm
Mercury 58,000,000 0.4 0.8
Venus 108,000,000 0.7 1.4
Earth 150,000,000 1 2
Mars 228,000,000 1.5 3.0
Jupiter 778,000,000 5.2 10.4
Saturn 1,427,000,000 9.5 19.0
Uranus 2,871,000,000 19.2 38.4
Neptune 4,498,000,000 30 60.0

A: 570cm
B: 630cm
C: 28.5cm
D: 1.5 cm

My guess is A

4 answers

sorry the scale model came out weird
max is when they are on opposite sides of the Sun
... not the same side
oh.. so B? Thanks scott
I need answers