Hook Sentence: Have you ever caught yourself pointing out someone else's mistakes while ignoring your own?
Question: Why is it so easy to notice the flaws in others but harder to see our own?
Inspiration Message: In Luke 6:41-42, Jesus teaches us a powerful lesson about humility and self-awareness. He reminds us that before we criticize or try to help others with their problems, we must first take a good look at ourselves. It’s natural to want to help our friends or family, but we need to ensure that we aren’t blind to our own shortcomings. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t help others, but rather we should work on improving ourselves first. By doing this, we can offer more meaningful support and guidance.
Conclusion: So, let’s challenge ourselves to reflect on our own actions and attitudes before we judge others. By focusing on removing our own “planks,” we can become better friends, family members, and individuals, ultimately making the world around us a brighter place.