time = distance/speed, if the hare's speed is x m/min, then since 0.5 m/hr = 1/120 m/min, and the hare's time is 3 min less than the tortoise's
21/x = 21/(x - 1/120) - 3
Yet this has no rational solutions.
And since when does a hare go only 1/120 meter/min faster than a tortoise? I suspect a typo somewhere, but fix the data if necessary, and the above logic should work for you.
In a 21-meter race between a tortoise and a hare, the tortoise leaves 9 minutes before the hare. The hare, by running at an average speed of 0.5 meter per hour faster than the toroise, corsses the finish line 3 minutes before the tortoise. What are the average speeds of the tortoise and the hare?
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