In 450 words write an essay on the topic the harmattan

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Harmattan is a cool dry wind that blows from the northeast or east in the western Sahara and is strongest from late November to mid-March. It usually carries large amounts of dust, which it can transport hundreds of miles out over the Atlantic Ocean; the dust often interferes with local aircraft operations.
Harmattan dust particles aggravate respiratory tract infections, eye irritations, pneumonia, catarrh, cough, and other ailments. Asthmatic patients, in particular, are prone to suffer during harmattan. While meteorologists are already predicting more intense harmattan haze than was experienced last year, we advise people to limit their exposure to dust. People should also take more liquid, especially water, during harmattan to prevent dehydration and heatstroke. Air-conditioners should also be serviced to avoid inducing harmattan symptoms.