Using this model to explain the phases of the moon is limited because it oversimplifies the relationships between the Earth, moon, and sun by placing planets in a circular arrangement that does not accurately reflect their distances from one another in space. The size and scale of the planets in the illustration do not correlate with the actual proportions of the Earth-moon-sun system, which can lead to misconceptions about the astronomical distances involved. Additionally, the model fails to account for the relative motion of the moon and Earth, which is critical to understanding how the angle of sunlight affects the visibility of the moon’s phases.
In 3 sentences, explain what some limitations of using this model to explain the phases of the moon would be. Consider factors like size and distance between objects in your response.
An illustration is shown of 6 arrows labeled "direction of sunlight" pointing to the planets. There are 6 planets that are all in a circle spaced apart and are half moons. The inside of the planets is another circle of 8 planets, but they are smaller. The planet to the middle left is a new moon, while the rest are full moons
7 answers
In this sentence, "relationships" refers to the way that the Earth, moon, and sun interact and position themselves relative to one another in space. It encompasses the gravitational influences, distances, and angles that determine how the moon's phases are observed from Earth, as well as how light from the sun illuminates the moon at different points in its orbit around Earth. Understanding these relationships is crucial for accurately explaining the phases of the moon.
Yes, based on your description, it sounds like the Earth is at the center of the illustration, with the larger outer circle representing planets in orbit around the sun, and the moon (depicted as the new moon) is positioned relative to Earth. In this context, the new moon would indeed refer to the moon when it is between the Earth and the sun, making it invisible from Earth due to the lack of sunlight reflecting off its surface. This positioning is crucial for understanding the phases, but the model's representation may still mislead regarding size, distance, and the dynamics of the Earth-moon-sun system.
Yes, that's correct! The "direction of sunlight" indicated by the arrows likely represents the sunlight coming from the sun, showing how it illuminates the planets and the moon. The arrows help illustrate the concept of how sunlight affects the visibility of the moon’s phases as seen from Earth. However, representing sunlight only as arrows simplifies the complex interactions of light and shadow in the Earth-moon-sun system, which can lead to misunderstandings about how the phases of the moon actually occur.