In 3 complete sentences Explain

Why are conceptual space artists important for astronomers and the public

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Imagine using art and science together to inspire people and help them visualize things that we cannot see from Earth. This is what conceptual space artists do every day at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Scientists use various instruments to study objects and events in space. Many of these instruments do not produce normal images. Instead, they collect data in various forms, including series of numbers or simple bands of colored light. Conceptual space artists use this information to produce graphics and illustrations. This career requires an art background and the ability to use complex computer programs. The drawings and diagrams made by space artists help scientists and laypeople better understand space phenomena.

Make it look like an 8th grader wrote it

Make sure no one can find this

1 answer

Conceptual space artists are really important because they help both astronomers and the public understand things that are hard to see in space. They take complicated data collected by scientific instruments—like numbers and colored light—and turn it into amazing graphics and illustrations. This creative work makes it easier for scientists to share their findings and for everyone to get excited about exploring the universe.