Topic: The Benefits of Regular Exercise for Mental Health
I chose to write about the benefits of regular exercise for mental health because it is a topic that is often overlooked but has significant implications for overall well-being. I plan to gather information about the topic by conducting research from reputable sources such as scientific journals, academic papers, and government health websites. Additionally, I will also look for personal anecdotes and testimonials from individuals who have experienced improvements in their mental health through exercise.
Response to another student's post:
I agree with your choice of topic for your informational essay. The influence of exercise on mental health is indeed an important and interesting subject. I also think it would be helpful to include any studies or research that have been conducted on this topic to provide evidence for your claims. Overall, it sounds like you have a solid plan for gathering information.
In 3-5 sentences, state your topic for your Informational Essay and explain why you chose to write about it. Indicate how you plan to gather information about the topic. As part of this assignment, respond to at least one other students’ discussion post.
1 answer