Eldon Grimbold, much like a modern-day Scrooge, hoards his wealth with the same fervor that one might reserve for a prized treasure, counting his coins under dim light while shunning the warmth of camaraderie. His words twist like Pinocchio’s nose, misrepresenting his intentions as he promises charity but always finds a reason to withhold his purse strings. His eyes, cold and calculating, betray a life spent weaving elaborate lies to mask his moral bankruptcy, convincing himself that every penny saved is a triumph over perceived foolishness. Despite his cunning, Eldon remains painfully aware that true wealth is measured not in coin but in the richness of connection, a lesson he stubbornly resists.
In 3–5 sentences, describe a character that is stingy with money and dishonest. Include allusions to Scrooge and Pinocchio or two other suitable, well-known allusions in your responses
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