To calculate the population for each year until 2042, we can multiply the previous year's population by 0.973 (100% - 2.7%) to account for a 2.7% annual decline.
Year 2022: 360,000
Year 2023: 360,000 * 0.973 = 350,328
Year 2024: 350,328 * 0.973 = 340,981
Year 2025: 340,981 * 0.973 = 331,943
Year 2026: 331,943 * 0.973 = 323,200
Year 2027: 323,200 * 0.973 = 314,739
Year 2028: 314,739 * 0.973 = 306,548
Year 2029: 306,548 * 0.973 = 298,615
Year 2030: 298,615 * 0.973 = 290,928
Year 2031: 290,928 * 0.973 = 283,476
Year 2032: 283,476 * 0.973 = 276,248
Year 2033: 276,248 * 0.973 = 269,231
Year 2034: 269,231 * 0.973 = 262,415
Year 2035: 262,415 * 0.973 = 255,792
Year 2036: 255,792 * 0.973 = 249,355
Year 2037: 249,355 * 0.973 = 243,098
Year 2038: 243,098 * 0.973 = 237,014
Year 2039: 237,014 * 0.973 = 231,096
Year 2040: 231,096 * 0.973 = 225,338
Year 2041: 225,338 * 0.973 = 219,732
Year 2042: 219,732 * 0.973 = 214,271
Therefore, the population would be as follows until 2042:
- 2022: 360,000
- 2023: 350,328
- 2024: 340,981
- 2025: 331,943
- 2026: 323,200
- 2027: 314,739
- 2028: 306,548
- 2029: 298,615
- 2030: 290,928
- 2031: 283,476
- 2032: 276,248
- 2033: 269,231
- 2034: 262,415
- 2035: 255,792
- 2036: 249,355
- 2037: 243,098
- 2038: 237,014
- 2039: 231,096
- 2040: 225,338
- 2041: 219,732
- 2042: 214,271
in 2022 the is a population of 360000 with a annual population decline of 2.7% what would the population be every year till 2042
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