In 1862, I was ten years old. My family moved to the prairie that year. I was unhappy about leaving Virginia, the only place I had ever lived. I knew I would miss it terribly. Ma and Pa decided to pull up their roots in Virginia and settle out West. My brother, Jacob, was 13 years old when we moved, and my little sister, Mary, was only three. When the caravan arrived in Kansas, all the families went off to settle on their very own plots. “Pa, what happened to all of the trees?” I asked as I looked at the flat, dusty land. Pa smiled. “Emma, we are out on the plains now. There are very few trees, and the land is mostly f lat.” “How will we build our house if there are no trees to cut?” “We will use what nature has given us,” Pa answered. What could Pa be thinking? There was nothing on the plain but dust and grass.

Which character says, “How will we build our house if there are no trees to cut?”

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1 answer

The character who says, “How will we build our house if there are no trees to cut?” is Emma.