Improving your writing. Section 1-Facts and figures that define the problem (the cause). Details that show the impact of the problem (effects) on Jack, Ruth, and the company.
Section 2 - The steps needed to change the situation. Reason to implement each step, including the benefits to your employees, your supervisor, and the company. Information about your role in the change.
Does the bleow look correct?
In the last three months I have notice work-related issues occurring; it’s causing conflicts among co-workers. The ongoing issue requires attention, so we can better assist our clients. The issue occurred about a month after Jessica Hilo took a medical leave. At this time, Ralph and Frank were assigned Jessica duties, resulting in an equally balanced work flow. Frank has complained about Ruth’s lack of quality in her work, and I have noticed that she is working overtime at least twice a month, which costs the company additional money. I have noticed that Jack as little work to do, and has started coming late a couple times a week. Jack quality in his work is professionally completed, but his tardiness reflects badly on his records.
To become a great team an access for the company. The co-workers are performing their daily assigned task as well as they can and would like to make some suggestions. First, Jessica daily task should be equally divided between each employee. Then when the decision is made weather Jessica isn’t coming back to work then consider hiring someone to take her place. This will take the stress that has been affecting Ruth’s productivity, and her quality will greatly improve in her work. Jack will no longer not have enough work to do, and he’ll will arrive to work on time.
1 answer
In the last three months I have notice work-related issues occurring; it’s causing conflicts among co-workers. The ongoing issue requires attention, so we can better assist our clients. The issue occurred about a month after Jessica Hilo took a medical leave. At this time, Ralph and Frank were assigned Jessica('S) duties, resulting in an equally balanced work flow. Frank has complained about Ruth’s lack of quality in her work, and I have noticed that she is working overtime at least twice a month, which costs the company additional money. I have noticed that Jack as little work to do, and has started coming late a couple times a week. Jack('S) quality in his work is professionally completed, but his tardiness reflects badly on his records.
To become a great team an access for the company. (NOT A SENTENCE. IS THIS A TITLE?) The co-workers are performing their daily assigned task as well as they can and would like to make some suggestions. First, Jessica('S) daily task should be equally divided between each employee. Then (COMMA) when the decision is made weather Jessica isn’t coming back to work (COMMA) then consider hiring someone to take her place. This will take ("REDUCE"?)the stress that has been affecting Ruth’s productivity, (NO COMMA) and her quality will greatly improve in her work. (AWKWARD SENTENCE. REWORK.) Jack will (DELETE no longer not) have enough work to do, and he’ll will (WILL, WILL?) arrive to work on time.
In the future, if nobody is available to proofread your work, you can do this yourself. After writing your material, put it aside for a day — at least several hours. (This breaks mental sets you might have that keep you from noticing problems.) Then read it aloud as if you were reading someone else's work. (Reading aloud slows down your reading, so you are less likely to skip over problems.)
If your reading goes smoothly, that is fine. However, wherever you "stumble" in your reading, other persons are likely to have a problem in reading your material. Those "stumbles" indicate areas that need revising.
Another option, if it is available on your computer, is to have the computer read it to you.
Also, make use of "Spelling and Grammar" under "Tools" in your word processing program.