important achievements in medieval europe

1 answer

1. The development of the feudal system, which provided a framework for political and social organization.

2. The establishment of the Catholic Church as the dominant religious institution in Europe.

3. The development of the university system, which provided a foundation for the advancement of knowledge.

4. The development of the Gothic style of architecture, which had a lasting influence on European architecture.

5. The development of the scholastic method of learning, which provided a framework for the advancement of knowledge.

6. The development of the Magna Carta, which established the principle of limited government and the rule of law.

7. The development of the printing press, which revolutionized the dissemination of knowledge.

8. The development of the banking system, which provided a foundation for the growth of commerce.

9. The development of the Gothic style of literature, which had a lasting influence on European literature.

10. The development of the Gothic style of painting, which had a lasting influence on European art.