A. Students learn to accept defeats and victories in the same way.
Importance of Sports
Playing a sport is not just a fun activity but is also highly beneficial. Playing a sport helps students stay fit and active. Students who regularly participate in sports and physical activities are less likely to feel exhausted. Sports also improve attention and concentration levels. They help students stay alert, sharp, and focused. Studies show that students who play sports regularly earn better grades.
Students also learn important skills and values when they play team sports. Being part of a team helps students learn the values of cooperation, teamwork, patience, hard work, and unity. Students learn to accept defeats and victories in the same way. They also make new friends and learn to adjust to being around different types of people. In this manner, sports play an important role in building character.
Today, most students are glued to digital devices such as computers, cellphones, and tablets. These habits can affect the health of students as well as their performance in school. Teachers and parents should encourage students to play sports instead of letting them inactively watch television or play games on the computer. Sports and outdoor games are an excellent way to help students take a break from their school work.
Thus, playing a sport is the best way for students to relax and learn something useful.
Which sentence best supports the idea that sports help students understand failure is a part of learning?
Students learn to accept defeats and victories in the same way.
Students also learn important skills and values when they play team sports.
In this manner, sports play an important role in building character.
They also make new friends and learn to adjust to being around different types of people.
1 answer