Implement the classic “Rock, Paper, and Scissors game” using following methods:

Headers of the methods are shown
public static void printMenu( )
It is a void method –It uses no parameters --It is called to display choices and code (1 for Rock, 2 for Paper, and 3 for Scissors). When called, it prints the menu choice in a very “user-friendly” manner (i.e. easily readable, using tabs, and spaces for a good display)

public static void displayChoice (int num)
It is a void method, and it uses a single parameter of int type. When called, it prints the choice of player as indicated by the value of parameter (in this example: num). If num is 1, display: Choice of player is “Rock”, and so on.

public static int winnerSelection (int computer, int user)

This is a value returning function, which returns an int type value as follows:

1: if the Computer is the winner
2: if the User is the Winner
3: if it is a tie!
This method should also print appropriate messages such as:
The rock smashes the scissors – so (print one: compuer or user) is the winner
The scissors cuts the paper -– so (print one: compuer or user) is the winner
The paper wraps the rock --– so (print one: compuer or user) is the winner

1 answer

Set up a flowchart for calculating a student’s letter
grade given the following:

90 - 100 = A
80 - 89 = B
70 - 79 = C
60 - 69 = D
below 60 = F