Immigration policy in the United States deals with people that are entering the country; especially, those who plan to work and remain illegally. In essence, when it comes to the issue of immigration, it is really delicate to admit that the United States Government policy favors certain kinds of people. Although, immigration policies of a country can range from no migration or accepting most types of migration. In the United States, immigration policy should serve the national interest of the country, but not the interest of a group or an individual. I do believe that America favors the Cubans because of the dry foot policy, Cubans are allowed to stay and the reason for moving to the United States is for political reason. On the other hand, where the Haitians come, they will send them right back to their country, supposedly, they are here for economic reason. As a result, people agree that the United States Government should not allow everyone in the world immigrate to this country. Although, this is the land of opportunity; there is a limit to the numbers of people the country can successfully absorb.
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Should United States government policy favor certain kinds of immigrants?
Should ( citizenship) preference be given to the neediest applicants? The most talented? The most oppressed? The richest? should applications from certain countries be given priority?
Should United States government policy favor certain kinds of immigrants?
Should ( citizenship) preference be given to the neediest applicants? The most talented? The most oppressed? The richest? should applications from certain countries be given priority?