The correct statement to say to your learning coach would be:
"Likely to apply to this situation:
- Building a large mall would probably increase the heat island.
- Replacing the lost trees with as many new ones as possible might help reduce the heat island effect."
"Not likely to apply to this situation:
- Building a large mall would probably decrease the heat island.
- Paving as much area as possible would probably help reduce the heat island effect."
imagine your learning coach are driving in your town and notice a sign saying large shopping malls gonna be built in an area the is currently covered in tress you just learned about urban sprawl, and the heat island affect you want to explain how these things probably relate to the building of the new shopping mall
2.which of the following staments would be correct to say to your learning coach.
"likely to apply to this situation or not likely to apply to this situation"
building a large mall would probably increase the heat island
building a large mall would probably decrease the heat island
replacing the lost trees with as many new ones as possible might help reduce the heat island effect
paving as much area as possible would probably help reduce heat island effect
1 answer