This is a very, very, ideal problem.
Nothing will happen unless the electron strays from its course perfectly down the B lines :) (unstable equilibrium)
Imagine you shoot an electron beam down the center of an ideal solenoid carrying current I. Which of the following will happen?
a)The magnitude of the field outside the solenoid will increase.
b)The magnitude of the field outside the solenoid will decrease
c)The electron beam will be deflected out of the solenoid.
d)The direction of the field inside the solenoid will stay the same.
2 answers
Hi Damon,
I was first thinking like that and I check on d) but it shows wrong. Now I have only one attempt. Do you think there might be other solution possible? I would be very greatful.
I was first thinking like that and I check on d) but it shows wrong. Now I have only one attempt. Do you think there might be other solution possible? I would be very greatful.