1. Power from grid ashore by subsea or overhead wires.
2, Central generator plant on the island using:
a) fossil fuel (oil, gasoline, propane) or nuclear or fuel cell (H2 and O2)
b) tidal power (you did not say where, need big rise/fall or current)
c) solar
d) wind
3) individual or neighborhood plants using the systems above for central plant. Saves distribution losses/costs but presumably higher initial investment.
All of the above are strongly dependent on the location. Anything at sea or under the sea is likely to interfere with fishing.(windmills, subsea cables)
There are reliability issues with all of them, but particularly with those requiring outside support or supply (grid electricity, fossil fuel)
Imagine you are an energyexpert on a planning council for a new town to be built on an island. Evaluate resources or methods you will suggest that the new town use. Justify your choices and provide possible challenges to the project.
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