Imagine you are a delegate to the Estates General. Explain why YOU, as a representative of one of the Estates, will ot will not cooperate with the king. P.S the king I'm talking about is Louis XVI.

I am going to imagine that I am a peasant, one of the lower classes.

--- As a representative, I will not cooperate with the king because he does not make decisions that apply good for everyone. He doesn't try to understand the poor's problems at all. It is always us who have to pay our taxes twice as much as the higher class. Because of him others have died of starvation. The king does not care for anyone other than himself. If he really did care then instead of spending his money abundantly, he would donate it to us, the poor.

please add more, I would like just a few more sentences, thanks. Also if some sentences in my Paragraph do not make sense, then please change them around.