Imagine there is going to be a snow storm later this week. We will get one foot of snow! Schools and businesses will be closed.

How would an evil villain describe this to her or his assistant?


Who are you? Who is your audience?

How does changing the perspective change the voice of the story?

How does the story change when different people tell it, or when it is changed for different people to hear it?

1 answer

Assistant, listen closely. This week, a winter storm is approaching with vengeance. The heavens will release a torrent of snow upon this pathetic town, burying it beneath a thick blanket of white. Schools and businesses will be forced to shut down, causing chaos and despair amongst the weak and feeble-minded inhabitants. This is our chance to strike while they are vulnerable. Prepare for our plans to unfold amidst the chaos of the storm. This is our time to shine, to show the world the true power of darkness and destruction.