imagine that you want to present an argument for banning single-use plastic bottles from schools in two or three sentences write the claim in an informal and formal language together.

3 answers

Informal language:
"Schools should totally ditch those single-use plastic bottles! They are harming the environment and wasting resources. Let's ban them and encourage reusable alternatives instead."

Formal language:
"It is imperative to advocate for the prohibition of single-use plastic bottles within educational institutions. Such a measure is essential in order to mitigate the adverse environmental impacts associated with their production, consumption, and subsequent disposal. Consequently, an immediate transition towards reusable alternatives should be pursued to conserve vital resources and promote sustainable practices."
make it sound like a 6th grader from Connexus wrought it
Informal language (Connexus 6th grader):
"Hey guys! We need to stop using those plastic water bottles at school, seriously! They're bad for the environment and we can save resources by using reusable ones instead. Let's ban plastic bottles in schools and go green!"

Formal language (Connexus 6th grader):
"It is really important for us to stop using plastic water bottles in our school. They harm the environment and we can conserve resources by using reusable bottles. Let's work together and ask our school to ban plastic bottles and switch to more sustainable options."