Imagine that you teach in a large, linguistically diverse school district where nearly 20 different languages are spoken. How might this degree of language diversity impact your classroom, your school, and your district?

5 answers

How would you teach kids in your classroom who don't comprehend English? What techniques could you use? Would lack of communication lead to behavior problems?

How does your school handle these diverse language students? Segregate these students? Integrate them? Since it would be impossible to have classes for each level and each language, how does the administration propose to deal with this problem?

Should the school district place non-English speaking children in special classrooms? How many students per teacher? How long should each student remain in this class? How can the district assure that all children learn and are successful in school?
i have this s far and I need 97 more words and im stuck now.....

It would impact the class room dramaticly because I would be able to communicate with everyone no matter what there primary language is.. it would help our school on every level because there arent too many schools with teachers who can speak many languages. It would put our school at the top of the list because again, our school would probably be the only one with teachers who spoke many languages.

The schools might feel the effects because they are responsible for the actions of their school.. The district/schools is where the all inclusive classroom idea comes from in most states if not all states.
Please proofread what you've written. Read it out loud and use a spell-check to pick up spelling errors.
ok ty