Imagine that you have come across a child whose right to education has been violated write a composition of about 250 words explaining how that child can be helped

1 answer

Title: Empowering a Child: Ensuring the Right to Education

Education is a fundamental human right and essential for the overall development and future prospects of every child. Unfortunately, in certain instances, this fundamental right may be violated, leaving a child without access to education. In such cases, it is crucial for various stakeholders to come together to address the issue and ensure the child receives the educational opportunities they deserve.


1. Identify the reasons behind the violation:
The first step in helping a child whose right to education has been violated is to understand the underlying causes. This might include economic factors, discrimination, gender bias, displacement, or lack of infrastructure. This analysis helps in formulating an appropriate plan of action.

2. Engage with the child:
It is important to build a relationship and rapport with the child to gain their trust. By understanding their desires, dreams, and interests, we can motivate them to actively engage in the process of reclaiming their right to education.

3. Advocacy and awareness campaigns:
Efforts should be made to raise awareness about the importance of education, not only within the community but also among policymakers and relevant authorities. Advocacy campaigns can help highlight the specific case of the child, putting pressure on responsible parties to rectify the situation.

4. Legal support:
If the violation is a result of discriminatory practices or negligence, legal avenues should be explored. Legal support, such as pro bono lawyers or local NGOs specializing in education rights, can be instrumental in ensuring that appropriate action is taken.

5. Provision of alternative educational opportunities:
In areas where formal schooling is unavailable or unsafe, alternative educational options should be explored. This may include setting up temporary learning centers, mobile classrooms, or supporting community-based education initiatives.

6. Collaboration with local authorities and community leaders:
Engaging with local authorities and community leaders is crucial to address institutional obstacles or cultural norms that hinder a child's educational rights. By involving them in the decision-making process and emphasizing the benefits of education, a child's access to schooling can be improved.


Restoring a child's right to education requires collaborative efforts from communities, NGOs, activists, and policymakers. It involves addressing the root causes of the violation and providing tailored solutions to enable the child to access quality education. By working together and empowering the child, we can ensure a brighter future for them, providing them with the tools to break the cycle of poverty and contribute positively to their societies.