Imagine that you have been chosen to develop a United Student World Assembly (USWA). Among the assembly's goals are promoting cooperation and understanding among students around the world. You must prepare a draft charter of the USWA. The charter should include the following:

• Preamble explaining the goals of the USWA (at least one fully developed paragraph in length)
• Structure of the organization (at least one fully developed paragraph in length)
• Location for assembly meetings
• Rules for making decisions (at least two fully developed paragraphs in length)
• Discussion of at least one major issue facing students today and possible solutions to this problem (at least two fully developed paragraphs in length)

Could someone please give me some ideas for this. I have no idea what to write

6 answers

You may get some ideas from websites about a real website.
Okay. What about the rules for making decisions?
Who is eligible to vote?

Should decisions be made by simple majority? or 60 percent? or ?
Also, for the major issue facing students today, could I talk about drug use? That's all I can think of. But what would the solutions for that be?
drug use, violence (remember there are civil wars several places in the world), economy, preparing for the future, education