Imagine that you are planning to create a website or game. Explain in 3-5 sentences what you would want to build and name five procedures and eight objects that you would want to implement into your website or game in order to make the coding more simplified.(4 points)

1 answer

I would want to build an interactive educational game aimed at helping middle school students learn mathematics in a fun and engaging way. The game would feature various levels with challenges that improve skills like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, incorporating elements of storytelling to keep students motivated.

Five Procedures:

  1. generateQuestion(): Creates random math problems based on the current level.
  2. checkAnswer(userAnswer): Compares the user's answer to the correct answer and updates the score.
  3. levelUp(): Increases the difficulty of questions when a player reaches a certain score.
  4. displayScore(): Updates and displays the user's current score and achievements.
  5. loadNextLevel(): Prepares the next level's challenges and resets necessary game variables.

Eight Objects:

  1. Player: Represents the user, holding properties like name and score.
  2. Question: Defines the math problem, containing properties for the question text and correct answer.
  3. Level: Contains information about the current level, including difficulty and number of questions.
  4. Timer: Manages the time allotted for answering questions on each level.
  5. Scoreboard: Displays scores and rankings of players.
  6. Achievement: Tracks special accomplishments, such as completing a level or answering all questions correctly.
  7. GameSettings: Holds customizable options such as sound effects and difficulty preferences.
  8. Feedback: Provides real-time hints or tips based on the user's performance.

By organizing these procedures and objects, the coding process would be streamlined and more manageable, leading to a smoother development experience.