I would like to build a puzzle-solving game where players have to navigate through different levels, collecting objects and overcoming obstacles. The game will have a fantasy theme with various magical elements and creatures.
1. "MoveCharacter" - this procedure will handle the movement of the player character.
2. "CollectObject" - for collecting objects and adding them to the player's inventory.
3. "CheckCollision" - to detect collisions between the player, objects, and obstacles.
4. "LevelComplete" - to determine when a level has been successfully completed.
5. "RestartLevel" - to reset the level and return the player character to the starting position.
1. "Player" - represents the main character with attributes like position, health, and inventory.
2. "Objects" - various items that can be collected by the player.
3. "Obstacles" - physical objects that create barriers for the player.
4. "Enemies" - creatures that the player needs to avoid or defeat.
5. "Lever" - a switch-like object that triggers certain events or opens doors.
6. "Inventory" - a container to store collected objects.
7. "Level" - represents each level with attributes like terrain, objects, and obstacles.
8. "Score" - keeps track of the player's score or points during the game.
By implementing these procedures and objects, the coding process can be simplified as you have clear functionalities defined for movement, interaction, and level progression. Additionally, these structures provide a foundation for expanding and adding more features to enhance the game's complexity and gameplay experience.
Imagine that you are planning to create a website or game. Explain in 3-5 sentences what you would want to build and name five procedures and eight objects that you would want to implement into your website or game in order to make the coding more simplified
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