Imagine that you are giving a second-grade class a presentation about the role of White women on the frontier. What information would you choose to tell the second graders? Create a graph that would help them to better understand this information.

1 answer

Dear second-grade class,

Today we are going to talk about the role of White women on the frontier. The frontier was a place where there were lots of open land and few people living there.

White women on the frontier were very important because they helped to create homes for their families and build communities. Let's look at some things that they did:

1. They cooked and cleaned to keep their homes and families fed and healthy.
2. They helped to take care of animals on the farm.
3. They taught their children how to read and write, and sometimes even ran their own schools.
4. They helped to make clothes for their families, by spinning, weaving, and sewing.
5. They sometimes even helped their husbands work on the farm or run their businesses.

Now, let's take a look at a graph that will help us better understand the role of White women on the frontier.

Graph Title: The Important Roles of White Women on the Frontier

On the y-axis, we have listed some of the important jobs and tasks that White women did on the frontier. On the x-axis, we have listed different points in history.

At the beginning of the graph, we see that in the 1700s and early 1800s, White women were instrumental in helping to build homes and create communities on the frontier.

As we move to the middle of the graph, we see that White women began to take on more roles and responsibilities on the farm, such as caring for animals and making clothes for their families.

Towards the end of the graph, we see that White women became more involved in education, helping to teach their children and sometimes even running their own schools.

So, as you can see, White women on the frontier played many important roles in helping to build a new way of life in America.

Thank you for listening!