Notice that these instructions are asking what YOU would grab, what YOU would have to leave behind, if YOU are sad ...
So break this down and make some lists:
1. List what specific items you would grab in 5 minutes. (Consider what you would need in order to put your life back together and/or what is irreplaceable.)
2. For each item listed in #1, list at least one reason why you would grab it.
3. List (in general) some of the major things you'd have to leave behind.
4. For each item listed in #3, give at least one reaction (whether you are sad about leaving it, if it can be replaced eventually, or ??)
Once you have these lists, you're ready to start writing the internal paragraphs of your paper. Make sure you DON'T START with your introduction ... write the internal paragraphs first. Then you can write the intro and concl.
Post the drafts of your internal paragraphs whenever you're ready if you'd like someone here to read over your work and give you feedback.
Imagine that there is a fire in your house or apartment, and you only have 5 minutes to grab your possessions and get out. Everything you leave behind will be destroyed. What would you grab? Why? When you think about what you left behind, are you sad that you lost it or happy you were able to take what you did?
1 answer