Imagine that there are two cohorts of 100 patients each. One group got the flu vaccine and other group did not.

Vaccine Group Outcomes = 90 patients without the flu
No-Vaccine Group Outcomes = 50 without the flu

Vaccine Group Costs = $100 per vaccination; $200 healthcare costs per case of flu
No-Vaccine Group Cost = $200 health care costs per case of flu

Calculate the average cost of the alternative vaccine.
I said $120

Calculate the average cost of the alternative no-vaccine:
I said $100

According to the results of the evaluation, the average cost of vaccine is higher than the average cost of no-vaccine.
I said true

Estimate the cost-effectiveness ratio (C/E) of the alternative vaccine:
I don't know how to do this??
a. $40
b. $200
c. $400
d. None of the above

Estimate the cost-effectiveness ratio (C/E) of the alternative no-vaccine:
I don't know this one either
a. $40
b. $200
c. $400
d. None of the above

Estimate the incremental cost-effectiveness of no-vaccine vs. vaccine
a. $50
b. $300
c. $700
d. None of the above

According to the results of the evaluation we can affirm that the no-vaccine alternative would save money in comparison with the vaccine alternative:

Question 7 answers
a. True
b. False

According to the results of the evaluation we can affirm that the vaccine alternative would save money in comparison with the no-vaccine alternative:

a. True
b. False

According to the results of the evaluation we can affirm that the vaccine alternative has better outcomes:

a. True
b. False

Given the information available in this evaluation, if the cost of vaccine and no-vaccine were the same, the cost-effectiveness of both alternatives would be the same:
Question 10 answers
a. True
b. False