From the perspective of your family and friends on Earth, as you approach the black hole's event horizon, they would initially see the spacecraft "falling" into the black hole. Gravity near the black hole is incredibly powerful, so they would witness the spacecraft being drawn closer and closer to the event horizon.
As you get closer to the event horizon, the intense gravitational forces start distorting the light around the spacecraft. This distortion would cause the spacecraft to appear stretched and distorted, creating a phenomenon known as gravitational lensing. Your friends and family would see the spacecraft becoming more elongated and distorted as it nears the event horizon.
As you cross the event horizon, the gravitational pull becomes so strong that even light cannot escape from the black hole. At this point, the spacecraft would effectively disappear from the view of your loved ones on Earth. They would no longer be able to observe any visual indications of your journey inside the black hole.
However, it's important to note that the concept of "coming back" from inside a black hole is purely hypothetical as our current understanding of physics suggests that nothing can escape a black hole's gravity once it passes the event horizon. The idea of being shot back from the black hole due to quantum power, as you mentioned, is still purely speculative and not supported by scientific evidence or theories.
Imagine that SpaceX also invented a way for your spacecraft to travel inside of a black hole and come back again, and to prove it, they wanted to build a tool-like a super-powerful telescope for your friends and family to view your journey into and out of the black hole from their homes on Earth. From your family and friends' perspective, as you approached the black hole's event horizon, what would they see?
the spacecraft frozen for all eternity
the spacecraft spinning faster and faster
the spacecraft "falling" into the black hole
the spacecraft shot back from the black hole due to quantum power
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