Imagine a society in which there are no social classes-no differences in people's wealth, income, and life chances. What would such a society be like?
3 answers
That was the original goal of communism.
Unfortunately, it didn't work. It didn't work for the small communist communities in the U.S. It sure didn't work for the Soviet Union. Even long hold-outs like China, Cuba, and Vietnam are changing to a more capitalistic society.
At this stage in our history, people don't seem ready to accept this kind of society on earth. As Bobpursley said, we'll probably have to wait for Heaven.
What do you think, Nessi?
Unfortunately, it didn't work. It didn't work for the small communist communities in the U.S. It sure didn't work for the Soviet Union. Even long hold-outs like China, Cuba, and Vietnam are changing to a more capitalistic society.
At this stage in our history, people don't seem ready to accept this kind of society on earth. As Bobpursley said, we'll probably have to wait for Heaven.
What do you think, Nessi?
and of course, it was the original goal in Orwell's Animal Farm,with all animals being equal. But in time, Pigs became more equal than other animals.