Imagine a society in which there are no social classes- no differences in people’s wealth, income, and life chances. What would such a society be like? Would it be stable or would its social structure change over time? How could you apply Max Weber’s theory to this scenario?

2 answers

Those are called utopian societies; however, none of them has lasted very long. Check these articles.
Which of the follow best describes the social class of a small farmer?(1 point)Responseselite of society, whose wealth had lasted for several generationselite of society, whose wealth had lasted for several generations largest portion of society, who owned a small amount of landlargest portion of society, who owned a small amount of landbottom of society, who were denied all freedoms bottom of society, who were denied all freedomsunsure of role in society, and not allowed to voteunsure of role in society, and not allowed to vote