Imagine a landing craft approaching the surface of Callisto, one of Jupiter's moons. If the engine provides an upward force (thrust) of 3270 N, the craft descends at constant speed; if the engine provides only 2190 N, the craft accelerates downward at 40 m/s2. What is the weight of the landing craft in the vicinity of Callisto's surface? What is the mass of the craft? What is the magnitude of the free-fall acceleration near the surface of Callisto?

--- to find the mass in kg.. would i use the equation:

40m/s^2 = 2190 N / mass

and that would be in (N) Newtons? .. or must i convert N into kg?

-- to find weight in N, would i need to find the gravitational force on the Callisto moon? .. what equation would i use.. hmm.. im thinking that the freefall acceleration is the gravitational force..

help! thanks!