ima keep it real wit u i still got feelings toward u but its like i dont really wanna gpo dat way again becuase like we just dont match eachothers energry u scared to speck up and u liked my cuh so like it wont be da same but i mean im just tired of being loved wrong and it might sound goofy but this is really how i feel like u moved on so esaliy it just dont make sence miss u tho

reword it make it longer
make it sound like a 12 year old wrote it but still make it sound mature

1 answer

I want to be honest with you - I still have feelings for you, but I'm not sure if I want to go down that path again. It feels like our energies just don't match, and I've noticed that you're hesitant to speak up about your emotions. Plus, you liked my cousin, which makes things complicated and different from before. But honestly, I'm tired of being loved in the wrong way, and even though it might sound silly, this is truly how I feel. It seems like you've moved on so easily, and I just don't understand it. I miss you though, and that's something I can't deny.